EJ Lundgren, J Bergman, E le Roux, S Monsarrat, JA Kristensen, RØ Pedersen, J Trepel, and J-C Svenning. Functional traits—not nativeness—shape the effects of herbivorous megafauna on plants. Science doi: 10.1126/science.adh2616 PDF
J Trepel [MS student], E le Roux, AJ Abraham, R Buteinwerf, J Kamp, JA Kristensen, M Tietje, J-C Svenning, and EJ Lundgren [co-senior]. Wild megafauna shape ecosystem properties and promote spatial heterogeneity globally. Nature Ecology and Evolution 10.1038/s41559-024-02327-6 PDF
EJ Lundgren, AD Wallach, J-C Svenning, M. Schlaepfer, A.L.A. Andersson, D Ramp. Preventing extinction in an age of species migration and planetary change. Conservation Biology e14270 https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.14270 PDF
EIF Wooster, OS Middleton, AD Wallach, D Ramp, VK Harris, J Rowan, SD Schowanek, CE Gordon, J-C Svenning, M Davis, JPW Scharlemann, CJ Sandom, EJ Lundgren [co-senior]. Australia’s recently established predators restore complexity to food webs simplified by extinction. Current Biology https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2024.09.049
EIF Wooster, EJ Lundgren, CJ Sandom, J Rowan, OS Middleton. Functional traits of the world’s late Quaternary mammalian hypercarnivores. Global Ecology and Biogeography https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.13909
J Rowan, A Du, EJ Lundgren, JT Faith, L Beaudrot, CJ Campisano, J Joordens, IA Lazagabaster, EM Locke, IE Smail, KE Reed, JM Kamilar. The biogeographic context of hominin evolution in eastern Africa. Nature Ecology and Evolution https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-024-02462-0
J-C Svenning, R Lemoine, J Bergman, R Buitenwerf, E le Roux, EJ Lundgren, N Mungi, R Pedersen. Late-Quaternary megafauna extinctions: patterns, drivers, consequences and implications for conservation and restoration. Cambridge Prisms: Extinction 2:e5
PJ Pereyra, P de la Barra, LLD Amione, A Arcángel, BMM Buch, E Rodríguez, MA Maldonado, L Hünicken, EJ Lundgren, AD Wallach. Human beings and the species they introduce are not a “cancer” of Planet Earth. BioScience biae112.
WJ Ripple, Rl Beschta, AD Craig, EJ Lundgren, LC Satterfield, ST Woodrich, AJ Wirsing. Predator decline and shifting baselines: are we studying a sick patient? Biological Conservation biae034.
L Barbero-Palacios, IC Barrio, M Garcia Criado, I Kater, M Petit Bon, THM Kolari, R Bjorkas, J Trepel, EJ Lundgren, K Bjornsdottir, BC Hwang, L Bartra-Cabre, M Defourneaux, J Ramsay, TK Lameris, AJ Leffler, JG Lock, MS Kuoppamaa, JA Kristensen, A Bjorkman, I Myers-Smith, N Lecomte, JC Axmacher, O Gilg, M Den Herder, EP Pagneux, A Skarin, N Sokolova, T Windirsch, HC Wheeler, E Serrano, T Virtanen, DS Hik, E Kaarlejarvi, JDM Speed, EM Soininen. Herbivore diversity effects on Arctic tundra ecosystems—a systematic review. Accepted: Environmental Evidence
Trepel, J, AJ Abraham, EJ Lundgren, KM Ferraro, C Fløjgaard, L Haugaard, P Sunde, RØ Pedersen, M Tietje, J Kamp, E le Roux (2024). Zoogeochemistry of a protected area: Driven by anthropogenic impacts and animal behavior. Conservation Science and Practice. doi: 10.1111/csp2.13107
SM Mahoney, P Davis, C Dodge, C Edwards, JA Holmes, Q Jennings, MJ Johnson, EJ Lundgren, MA McLeod, D Moore, PJ Motyka, A Pellegrini, DN Rakestraw, ANB Smith, RR Winton, E Woodhouse. Evidence of honest signalling in a suboscine bird: Southwestern willow flycatcher song frequency is positively related to apparent reproductive success. Behaviour 1(aop):1-21.
EIF Wooster, AD Wallach, LA Stanton, KM Gaynor, D Ramp, EJ Lundgren [senior author]. Animal cognition and culture mediate predator-prey interactions. Trends in Ecology and the Environment https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2023.09.012 PDF
EIF Wooster, D Ramp, EJ Lundgren, GT Bonsen, A Geisler-Edge, D Ben-Ami, AJR Carthey, S Carroll, O Keynan, Y Olek, A O'Neill, U Shanas, and AD Wallach. Prey responses to predators are not determined by nativeness. Ecography https://doi.org/10.1111/ecog.07031
J Bergman, RO Pedersen, EJ Lundgren, RT Lemoine, S Monsarrat, MH Schierup, and J-C Svenning. Worldwide Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene population declines in extant megafauna are associated with Homo sapiens expansion rather than climate change. Nature Communications 14 7679. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-43426-5
L Wang, JPGM Cromsigt, R Buitenwerf, EJ Lundgren, W Li, ES Bakker, and J-C Svenning. Megafauna explain tree cover and its heterogeneity in natural ecosystems globally. One Earth https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oneear.2023.10.007
AD Wallach, D Ramp, A Benítez, EIF Wooster, S Carroll, A Carthey, E Rogers, O Middleton, KJA Zawada, J-C Svenning, E Avidor, and EJ Lundgren [senior author]. Savviness of prey to introduced predators. Conservation Biology doi:10.1111/cobi.14012 PDF
EJ Lundgren, D Ramp, OM Middleton, EIF Wooster, E Kusch, M Balisi, WJ Ripple, CD Hasselerharm, JN Sanchez, M Mills, and AD Wallach. Novel trophic cascade between cougars and feral donkeys shapes desert wetlands. Journal of Animal Ecology open access. Featured in Research Highlight
EIF Wooster, D Ramp, E Yanco, G Bonsen, EJ Lundgren, and AD Wallach. Predator protection dampens the landscape of fear. Oikos https://doi.org/10.1111/oik.09059
EJ Lundgren, KT Moeller, MO Clyne, OM Middleton, SM Mahoney, and CL Kwapich. Cicada nymphs are important food for desert-dwelling American black bears. Ecology and Evolution 12(3): e8577. open access
EJ Lundgren, D Ramp, JC Stromberg, J Wu, NC Nieto, M Sluk, KT Moeller, and AD Wallach. Equids engineer desert water availability. Science 372:491-495. PDF
EJ Lundgren, D Ramp, J Wu, M Sluk, KT Moeller, JC Stromberg, and AD Wallach. Feral equids’ varied effects on ecosystems. Science 373: 973-974. PDF
EJ Lundgren, SD Schowanek [co-first], O Middleton, J Rowan, RØ Pedersen, AD Wallach, D Ramp, M Davis, CJ Sandom, and J-C Svenning. Functional traits of the world’s late Quaternary large-bodied avian and mammalian herbivores. Nature Scientific Data https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-00788-5 open access
EIF Wooster, D Ramp, EJ Lundgren, AJ O’Neill, and AD Wallach. Red foxes avoid apex predation without increasing fear. Behavioral Ecology arab053. PDF
SD Schowanek, M Davis, O Middleton, RØ Pedersen, EJ Lundgren, J Rowan, D Ramp, CJ Sandom, and J-C Svenning. Reintroducing extirpated herbivores could partially reverse the late Quaternary decline of large and grazing species. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30:896-908. PDF
EJ Lundgren, D Ramp, J Rowan, O Middleton, SD Schowanek, O Sanisidro, SP Carroll, M Davis, CJ Sandom, J-C Svenning, and AD Wallach. Introduced megafauna restore Late Pleistocene ecological functions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1915769117 PDF
AD Wallach, EJ Lundgren, C Batavia, MP Nelson, E Yanco, WL Linklater, SP Carroll, D Celermajer, KJ Brandis, J Steer, and D Ramp. When all life counts in conservation. Conservation Biology https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13447 PDF
Nelson, MP, C Batavia, KJ Brandis, SP Carroll, D Celermajer, W Linklater, EJ Lundgren, D Ramp, J Steer, E Yanco, and AD Wallach. Challenges at the intersection of conservation and ethics: Reply to Meyer et al. 2021. Conservation Biology https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13666
CJ Sandom, O Middleton, EJ Lundgren, J Rowan, SD Schowanek, J-C Svenning, and S Faurby. Trophic rewilding presents regionally specific opportunities for mitigating climate change. Philosophical Transactions B 20190125. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2019.0125
S Mahoney, AN Smith, PJ Motyka, EJ Lundgren, R Winton, B Stevens, and MJ Johnson. Non-native Russian olive-dominated (Elaeagnus angustifolia) habitat supports similar bird communities to native habitat: Implications for biological control. Journal of Arid Environments 167:26-33 PDF
EJ Lundgren, D Ramp, WJ Ripple, and AD Wallach. Introduced megafauna are rewilding the Anthropocene. Ecography http://doi.org/10.1111/ecog.03430 PDF Editor's Choice Award
AD Wallach, D Ramp, WJ Ripple, and EJ Lundgren. Invisible megafauna. Conservation Biology 32(4): 962-965 https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13116 PDF
AD Wallach, EJ Lundgren, EJ Yanco, and D Ramp. Is the prickly pear a ‘Tzabar’? Diversity and conservation of Israel’s migrant species. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 63(3-4) http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/22244662-06303003 PDF
EJ Lundgren and KT Moeller. Anti-Predator Strategies of, and Possible Thanatosis in, Juvenile Collared Peccaries (Pecari tajacu). The Southwestern Naturalist 62: 235-237. PDF
KT Moeller, AK Moeller, F Moyano, and EJ Lundgren. Observation of an American Black Bear eating odonates in Yosemite National Park. Western North American Naturalist 77: 9. PDF
PB Shafroth, KJ Schlatter, M Gomez-Sapiens, EJ Lundgren, MR Grabau, J Ramírez-Hernández, E Rodríguez-Burgueño, and KW Flessa. A large-scale experiment for riparian restoration in the Colorado River delta. Ecological Engineering http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2017.02.016 PDF
Non-academic publications
EJ Lundgren. February 1, 2024. Horses, camels and deer get a bad rap for razing plants—but our new research shows they’re no worse than native animals. The Conversation
EIF Wooster and EJ Lundgren. October 23, 2023. "From meerkat school to whale-tail slapping and oyster smashing, how clever predators shape their world" The Conversation
EJ Lundgren, AD Wallach, and D Ramp. April 30, 2021. “Feral desert donkeys are digging wells, giving water to parched wildlife”. The Conversation
AD Wallach, C Batavia, D Celermajer, D Ramp, EJ Lundgren, and E Yanco. November 28, 2019. “Non-native species should count in conservation – even in Australia”. The Conversation
EJ Lundgren, AD Wallach, D Ramp, and W Ripple. October 1, 2017. “From feral camels to ‘cocaine hippos’, large animals are rewilding the world”. The Conversation